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Following the very successful Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, as we do after every major Parish event involving food, our leftovers were delivered to Lionhearts – an organization dedicated to the eradication of hunger and homelessness in our community.  Our Lionhearts contact member mentioned how appreciative they were of the blankets St. Marks had recently donated.  On a very cold night, she and a friend walked through a treed area known as a habitat for many homeless in our area, distributing blankets.  She wanted us to know just how much they were needed and appreciated.  We are working on a few more blankets this year.

We asked if there were any special mission request’s, she had at this time.  She quickly replied: men’s boxer shorts – we are always in need of them.  Also, she added, $10 Tim Horton gift cards are very helpful.  Apparently, if you don’t buy something in Tim’s, and other fast-food outlets, you are asked to leave.  A $10 gift card can be used to keep someone warm, cool, safe or dry – all day.

We are looking at putting a plan in place to help alleviate some of the tangible needs within our community.  We know we cannot support everything, but we can always make the parish aware of the needs of the wider community so that you can respond in your own way. 

Currently we have decided to respond to the underwear need and collect men’s boxer shorts (new or gently used).  If you are able to help, we ask that you have your donation to the Church by Sunday, March 30. 

The deteriorating geopolitical situation will surely have economic repercussions.  We need to be ready to help those in need of our support.

Thank you.