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For those who were not at church at the 10:30 service last Sunday, October 6, and to clarify the purpose/use of the wooden crosses introduced to those who were at church, the following additional information is offered for clarification.

Starting next Sunday, October 13, a blue and white, heart-shaped dish, holding wooden crosses, will be on the table at the back of the church on the right side of the centre aisle. Anyone may pick up one of these beautiful, olive wood crosses. Initially, the crosses were meant to provide something simple that Parishioners using pre-authorized giving (PAG) could place on the collection plate as it passes. On reflection, we felt the need to clarify. Think of the crosses as “an offering”. They are meant to be a tangible way for whomever to use and place as a way of making an offering. Some may place the cross in the plate as an offering of their prayers or confession. Some may pick up a cross and hold it at times during the worship as a way to center themselves and then place the cross back in the bowl at the end. And some may use them as a way to indicate to those around them that they have placed something on the collection plate. Besides PAG users, they can also be used by those who give monthly (and have several Sundays when they too have already given), those who donate online, and even those who ‘left’ their envelope at home. You don’t need a reason to pick up a cross, they are available to anyone, for whatever reason! The only rule is that the crosses need to return to that blue and white dish after every Sunday service, either via the collection plate or personally dropped off.

These attractive crosses came from the Holy Land, made by a Christian family from the pruning’s of local olive trees. Our shipment included cards authenticating where the crosses came from (Jerusalem), who made them (Zuluf family), and the material used (olive trees).

If you hold one of these crosses in your hand, I predict you will feel something special! Try it, once.

If anyone feels they must have one to take home, please see Ted Davie who will make you a deal!
