Tree of HopeLAST WEEK FOR DONATIONS! Did you know….? The “Tree of Hope” not only gives a child a gift or special memory at Christmas, it brings new life to families, the whole year through! Your donation to the “Tree of Hope” also supports: Access to Emergency Funds, Access to an Education Bursary Fund, Tutoring Programs, Summer Camps, and Access to Must Have Items: clothing, bedding, cribs, sport equipment etc. Again this year we are asking for monetary donations. Family and Children’s Services will use your donations to purchase gift cards so recipients across the region can shop independently. They will also apply your donations to the many other opportunities for children listed above. If you are interested in supporting the “Tree of Hope” campaign please provide either a cash or cheque donation. Cheques should be made out to St. Mark’s and clearly state “Tree of Hope” in the memo line. Donations can also be made online through the Button below. Please select Mission & Outreach on the pull down menu and include "Tree of Hope" on the memo line. Let’s give these children and families a Christmas they will remember and a future they deserve! Thank you for your support!! Heather & Alison For more infomation visit:
Hanging of the GreensSunday, December 15 This Sunday, December 15 we will “hang the greens” during our 10:30 worship service. It will be an opportunity for the congregation to help prepare our worship space for the Coming of Christ. There are a few things you can bring along: Christmas Tree ornaments and/or a red poinsettia. Any poinsettia’s brought and used will be left in the Church until Epiphany. Can you help get the church ready on Saturday, December 14? If so, drop by the church at 10:00 am. Any questions, please speak to Rev. Sandra! |
Longest Night ServiceSunday, December 15 Plan to join us on Sunday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. for our Longest Night Service. A time and space for quiet music, prayer and reflection. This gathering is for any who find the holiday season challenging:
For further information, please contact Rev. Sandra: sandrahounselldrover@gmail.com or 613-546-3386 |
Parish Council MeetingWednesday, December 18 Parish Council will meet in the Parish Hall at 4:15 pm for its regular monthly meeting. Parish Council meetings are open meetings and members of the congregation are welcome to attend. Approved Minutes of previous Parish Council meetings are available at the Parish Office, upon request. |
Christmas Altar Flowers
Persons wishing to contribute to Christmas flowers in honor of loved ones please submit details and contributions to the Parish Office by December 18. |
Christmas at St. Mark's
Anglicanism 101 CourseMonday, January 13 (NOTE CORRECTED DATE) Come and take part in this seven session program and explore the rich history and diversity of Anglicanism. No prior study or knowledge is needed, only a curiosity and desire to gain deeper insights into the Anglican tradition. Sessions starts at 5:00 pm with a Meal and end at 7:30 pm. Sessions will take place at St. Mark’s Parish Hall, Barriefield. Join the Discussion and Fellowship, Free of Charge! For more info and registration: johnhounselldrover@gmail.com |