Happy New Year
St. Mark's Men's GroupMonday, January 6 St. Mark’s Men’s Group resumes on Monday morning from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, for a time of lively conversation, discussion, learning, and Christian fellowship. The group warmly welcomes all who feel called to serve God and the community, from both within and outside the parish. Sometimes we discuss challenging and emotive issues, but we acknowledge and respect each other’s individual calling and faith journey, and seek always to treat each other with love and courtesy. For further details, contact Alan Rumsey, John Barron or Paul Yaxley. |
Veterans FellowshipWednesday, January 8 You are invited to join us at St. Mark’s Anglican Church Hall on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. for a time of fellowship and discussion. It is open to serving and retired members of the CAF. This will be a safe place and time to meet and chat with alike others.
Winter EZ FitnessThursday, January 9 |
Seniors Having FunThursday, January 9 The Parish program for SENIORS HAVING FUN takes place every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in the Parish Hall. This weekly gathering is open to any Senior looking for a social outlet, especially in the colder and darker months of the year. We have discussions, play cards or board games, occasionally have topical presentations for Seniors, and generally have fun together. Light refreshments are served during our two hour program. Bring a friend and come join us every Thursday, rain or shine. |
St. Mark's Martial Arts GroupNew Initiative for 2025 In January 2025, in partnership with Systema Kingston and Evolution BJJ, St. Mark's will be offering Martial Arts training for both adults and children. Initially, training is being offered in Systema, Brazilian Jiujitsu, and Boxing. (Systema is a Christian Orthodix Martial Art based on four main components: Breathing, Relaxation, Posture, and Movement). Further details of this new program/mission can be found by clicking on the Button below. Information provided includes:
Should you require any additional information, please contact Dave Muralt at: xboxdad01@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://stmarksbarriefield.com/ministries/st-marks-martial-arts-group