St. Mark's Gifts & Talents Survey
This survey is primarily intended for members of St. Mark's congregation. Here at St. Mark’s, we have two salaried positions (Rector and Administrator) and three honorarium positions (Music Director, Bookkeeper, and Custodian). All other ministry is done by volunteers. And there is an abundance of ministries that happen!!! With the ever-changing landscape of parishioners, it is difficult to keep up with what gifts/talents and joys we have amongst us. One of the ideas that came out of our Visioning process was the need to do a “gifts and talents assessment” of the parish. God works in transformative ways to move us toward wholeness and community, and we are called to be partners with God in our thriving. God calls each of us to share in the ministry through our commitment to share our time and talents in ways that support the flourishing of the whole faith community. Creating a church survey to identify members' gifts and talents is a great way to help align their abilities with ministry opportunities. You are therefore invited to click on the button below and complete an online gifts and talent survey. It is not intended to be a “work strategy” but rather a way that we might be able to invite each parishioner more fully into the ministry of St. Mark’s. The survey will remain open until Thursday, March 5. For more infomation visit: