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Come and take part in this seven session program and explore the rich history and diversity of Anglicanism.

No prior study or knowledge is needed, only a curiosity and desire to gain deeper insights into the Anglican tradition.

Sessions start at 5:00 pm with a meal and end at 7:30 pm.

Each session will revolve around a question:

  1. January 13 - Are Anglicans ‘Protestant’ Or ‘Catholic?’
  2. January 20 - Did Henry VIII create the Anglican Church?
  3. January 27 - What Do Anglicans Actually Believe?
  4. February 3 - Why Does The Anglican Church Put So Much Emphasis On Prayer Books And Worship?
  5. February 17 - Can You Be Anglican And An Evangelical? A Liberal? A Charismatic?
  6. February 24 - What Holds The International Anglican Communion Together?
  7. March 3 - Pot Luck, literally and figuratively. – All the Questions You’ve Wanted to Ask, But Never Had the Chance!!

Sessions will take place at St. Mark’s Church Hall, Barriefield.

Join the Discussion and Fellowship, Free of Charge!

For more info and registration:

OR search “Anglicanism 101” on Facebook.